A photo my mom took of a visitor to LEXICON. |
(Also, it’s the runner-up to a show that’s actually on a national museum tour where Chicago was merely one of many stops. An independent exhibition being second to a huge organization like that is no small feat!)
The back of Tuesday’s daily Dreams of a City postcard is, on a visual level, another one of my favorites.
Postcard #2365 back: 24 July 2013, NW. corner of Fullerton at Ashland. |
To read the front and for more dreams, visit @dreamsofacity, where I’ve been sharing one mapped Chicago dream a day, every day (Monday’s was moving too, especially since I’ve been thinking a lot about the passage of time lately), and to learn more about my ongoing large-scale interactive art project, visit this page.
Happy summer! (Even to you readers in the Southern Hemisphere, because yes.) From the solstice on Wednesday:
Best summer solstice ever. |
(Pictured above was the view from a nerd alumni event—I was the only Columbia University person and think I represented you well, CU kids!—on the rooftop of a Streeterville high rise. Much love to everyone I met!)
Update: At this gallery opening, someone I always thought was cool told me they admire me. You all make my art life worthwhile!