Wednesday, July 31, 2013

“You may say I’m a dreamer / But I’m not the only one”

This is what a blank Dreams of a City postcard looks like.
(And yes this is my Facebook profile picture.) Photo courtesy of Fotio.

DNAinfo interviewed me about Dreams of a City. (Twice.) Thanks to Kelly Bauer for the article and Jackie Kostek for the video(It’s fitting that I was wearing a LotR shirt considering how Hobbit-like in stature I look in the latter link.)

And, on a completely unrelated note (or is it), I have TV On The Radio’s new song on repeat. “I see tons of people looking lost and lethal and I think we’re all the same.” Also loving Chance The Rappers new videoEverybodys somebodys everything. For you, Chicago.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Make it rain on [art shows]


·         Have been selected to receive a 2013 Individual Artists Program grant from the City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events for Dreams of a City!

·         Guested on a podcast last week. (Started off talking about my latest projects. Ended up going on tangents about things like Justice League, the demise of Cary Elwes’ face, how great a Ken Burns-style mockumentary for World War Z would be, etc. Naturally.) It’s up today—have a listen. Many thanks to Sawyer Heppes!

·         Have been asked to co-host a networking event for artists and arts administrators called Meet Your Maker, happening October 10 during Chicago Artists Month. Save the date!

·         Am in yet another the artblog news post. Thanks again!

What have you been reading this month? Scroll down, look for the [new!] popular posts gadget on the right, and dig in to the archives. (For the most read posts of 2012, check out this entry.)

When you’re ready, Jay-Z and Marina Abramović will walk you out of this post.

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