Have been selected to receive a 2013 Individual Artists Program grant
from the City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
for Dreams of a City!
on a podcast last week. (Started off talking about
my latest projects. Ended up going on tangents about things like Justice
League, the demise of Cary Elwes’ face, how great a Ken Burns-style
mockumentary for World War Z would
be, etc. Naturally.) It’s up today—have a listen. Many thanks to Sawyer Heppes!
Have been asked to co-host a networking event for artists and arts administrators
called Meet Your Maker, happening October 10 during Chicago Artists Month. Save
the date!
Am in yet another the artblog news post. Thanks again!
What have you been reading this month? Scroll down, look for the [new!] popular posts gadget on the right,
and dig in to the archives. (For the most read posts of 2012, check
out this entry.)